The magic of Regenerative Detoxification

Discover how the body can heal itself

At the Plant Practice, we specialise in Regenerative Detoxification and healing of the body at a cellular level. Our philosophy is that through the power of living foods and life-giving herbs, it is possible to overcome any health condition and live a long, happy and vibrant life.

Green leafy herbs
Dr Robert Morse Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., M.H.

“There is an art to detoxification. The end goal, always, is the regeneration of tissue in the human body and the restoring and improving of the condition of the cell and the fluid that takes care of it.”

We are here to support you on your journey to vibrant health

  • Iridology packages to give you a clear view of the health status of the cells, tissues and fluids of the body.

  • Uncover the truth and real cause of your symptoms or condition and how to start your Regenerative Detoxification journey. This is a 4 week programme aimed at those who are looking for light touch support or want to just garner the knowledge to get started.

  • An 8 week programme providing additional detoxification support and insight. Includes a deeper look into the mind, habits and how regenerating the body can bring forth spiritual development.

  • This is a custom made programme aimed at those who are having serious health challenges and require a dedicated practitioner for a longer period of time.

Discover iridology

Iridology: An amazing science of soft tissue analysis

Iridology is a powerful tool used in Regenerative Detoxification to investigate the health status of the cells, tissues and fluids of the body. Combined with a health assessment, iridology can provide a ‘roadmap’ of your strengths and weaknesses. It will also show your congestive (lymphatic) and chemical accumulations.

Contact Us

Tell us how we can help you on your regenerative journey to wellness. We are available to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to fill in this contact form, we aim to respond in under 24 hours. Alternatively why not book a free 15 minute consultation and we can provide more information on our approach and how we may be able to support you.